Viburnum odoratissimum Ker Gawl. - CAPRIFOLIACEAE

Synonym : Viburnum fragans Lois.-Desl.
Thyrsosma chinensis Raf.
Microtinus odoratissimus Oersted

English   Lao   

Botanical descriptions Habitat and ecology Distribution

Botanical descriptions :

Diagnostic characters : Young stem reddish with fawn and minute stellate hairs and a circular fold on stem between petiole. Leaves shiny green above. Inflorescence terminal very dense with small white flowers.
Habit : Evergreen shrub or small tree up to 6 or 8 m high. Branches ascending to the main trunk. Crown bushy, dense and rounded.
Trunk & bark : Bark roughly smooth to chaffy, lenticelled, grey brown, inner bark brown, wood white.
Branches and branchlets or twigs : Twigs terete, slightly hairy with fawn hairs when young, becoming glabrous, lenticelled, with sometimes a circular fold on stem between petiole.
Exudates : Exudate absent.
Leaves : Leaves simple, opposite decussate, 12-15 by 4-7 cm, elliptic-oblong or obovate, apex rounded or truncate or acute, base attenuate, margin slightly dentate, blade coriaceous, bright green above, glaucous below, pubescent with fawn stellate hairs, young leaves reddish.
Midrib canaliculate, primary vein single, pinnate, secondary veins oblique to the midrib, widely parallel, tertiary veins oblique. Petiole flat above, glabrous or slightly pubescent.
Stipules absent.
Inflorescences or flowers : White tiny flowers grouped in compact terminal panicle, flagrant, rachis pubescent.
Fruits : Fruit is a drupe, 1 by 1 cm, ovoid, shiny, red, becoming dark red to black.
Seeds : Seed 1.

Habitat and ecology :

In depleted forest along road up to 500m altitude. Flowering : February to June. .

Distribution :

India across Himalayas to China and Japan, Malay peninsula, Philippines, Thailand, Laos (Khammouane province).

Remark/notes/uses :
Cultivated in horticulture for its sweet scented flowers. Fruits very appreciated by birds.

Specimens studied :
BT 365 (Herbarium of Faculty of Sciences-NUoL, NHN-Leiden and CIRAD-Montpellier).

Literature :
Flore Générale de l’Indochine. 1922. Vol. 3, Fasc. 1. Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Laboratoire de Phanérogamie, Paris, France.
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