Ormosia laosensis C. Niyomdham - PAPILIONACEAE

English   Lao   

Botanical descriptions Habitat and ecology Distribution

Botanical descriptions :

Diagnostic characters : Large deciduous or evergreen trees, bark lenticellate to scaly flaky, exudates red-brown. Flowers bisexual, pea-like, Flowers white, calyx hairy. Fruit a thick pod.
Habit : Deciduous or evergreen tree up to 8 m. tall, about 15 cm. in DBH; branches ascending or horizontal to main trunk.
Trunk & bark : Trunk lenticellate, scaly flaky, bark blackish brown or dark brownish-red, inner bark c.1 cm. thick, pale brown to reddish brown.
Branches and branchlets or twigs : Branches pubescent, brownish when dry, lenticellate.
Exudates : Reddish-brown sap.
Leaves : Imparipinnately compound leave, alternate, crowded at the apex of branchelets, leaflets opposite 9, oblong elliptic, 1-3 X 4-6 cm. in length, apex acute- acuminate, base acute, margin entire, young leaves reddish-brown, blade coriaceous and glabrous on upper surface, lower surface pubescent.
The veins prominent below, primary vein single, secondary veins obtuse, about 6 pairs, tertiary veins indistinctly reticulate. Rachis hairy 2-4 cm. long, thick at base, and petiolule swollen from base to tip, up to 3 mm. long.
Inflorescences or flowers : Inflorescence are peduncle, terminal, pubescent, up to 20-25 cm. long. Flowers white grouped at the top of inflorescence, pubescent, pedicel about 3-4 mm. long, calyx dark brown hairy.
Fruits : Fruit is a thick pod, cylindrical, elliptic-ovate 1-2 X 2-3 cm in length, thick walled, glabrous. Red on the outer surface then blackish-brown. Later dehiscent into 2 valves. .
Seeds : One to two. Scarlet red.

Habitat and ecology :

In evergreen or open degraded forests from 200 to 600 m. altitude.

Distribution :

Vietnam and Laos.

Remark/notes/uses :
The wood is used for household applications and in construction work.

Specimens studied :
BT 510 (Herbarium of Faculty of Sciences-NUoL, NHN-Leiden and CIRAD-Montpellier).

Literature :
Flore du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viêtnam 1960-2003. Vol. 23. Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, Paris, France.

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